Sunday, March 17, 2013

Revised Action Research Plan

Revised Action Planning Template

Goal:  To investigate the effect that technology will have on the achievement of eighth grade science students at Smith Middle School.

Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

1.Setting the Foundation

Collaborate with site supervisor, science coach , and other 8th grade science teachers about the low engagement and achievement with 8th grade students.
Mrs. Davis will meet and discuss problem with Mrs. Akers and Ms. Miranda.
March 18th
4th 6 weeks test data from Eduphoria data analysis system
We will analyze 4th 6 weeks data to find students to focus on with low performance results.

2.Analyzing data

Research ways technology is being used to engage and increase performance in middle school students in science class.

Mrs. Davis will research information about improving engagement and achievement in science by using technology.
April 1, 2013


April 5, 2013
Use electronic search engines such as Google or  AASA, NASSP, NAESP
Gather information, read and reflect on how it can be applied to students at my campus.

3. Developing a deeper understanding

Survey 8th grade students about how they learn best and what interests them in science class, and how often do they use technology currently each day. 

Mrs. Davis  and Ms. Miranda will implement a survey during science class.
March  25,2013


March 28, 2013
Create a survey through survey monkey or a paper-based survey if computer access is not available.
Collect and analyze information gathered from surveys. 

3. Developing a deeper understanding

 Interview students of  various tier groups to get feedback on how they feel about the implementation of smartboards and ipads in the classroom.

Mrs. Davis will interview eighth grade students of various tier groups.
May 5,2013


May 9, 2013
Create a questionnaire for students to complete about how they feel about the implementation of the new technology.  Is it helping them to improve? 
Collect quantitative data from students to gain insight into how they feel about their achievement.

4.  Engage in Self-Refelction

Reflect on where I can find activities that include student participation through smartboards and ipads.

Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Miranda, and students.
March 18,  2013


March 22, 2013
CSCOPE, Stemscopes,
Smartboard program, other interactive science sites
Give short assessments at the end of each technology infused lesson to collect data about content learned.

5.  Exploring Programmatic Patterns

Discuss plan with site supervisor, science coach, and peers to get feedback on the pros and cons of increasing student engagement and achievement with technology.
Mrs. Davis will meet with site supervisor, Science coach, and peers.
March 20, 2013
Copy of Action Research Plan
Document and summarize discussion, Analyze data

6.  Determining direction

Reflect on Action research plan to make certain all components are present.
Mrs. Davis, Site Supervisor

March 25, 2013
Action Research Plan
Write -up, Reflection

7. Take Action for school improvement

Form a committee including the Science Coach, and 8th grade science teachers to assist me with my project.
Mrs. Davis, Science Coach, Ms. Miranda, Leadership Team
March 18, 2013

June 5, 2013
Action Research Plan
Write-up, reflection

7. Take Action

 Have all 8th grade students complete a new assessment to analyze improvement and achievement.
Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Miranda will test students.
April 18th

STAAR Test Maker and Students
Collect and analyze data from test results.

8. Sustain Improvement

Share and present positive findings with peers and sit supervisor to help improve student engagement and achievement in every subject and grade level.
Mrs. Davis
October 1, 2013
Gather all quantitative and qualitative data to make a report.
Collect all data for report and presentation.


  1. Your action research project is planned out very well. Is the technology present in the school now or is it being purchased for next year? We have Smartboards now and are adding chrome books next year. Our teachers and students love lessons using the Smartboards. I would be interested in hearing how the iPADs are received.

  2. I agree with Sharon. After looking at this plan I realize I need to get more specific. We do not have smaartboards, but we have something that is similar. It is a mimio. Smartboards do help with engagement of students. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love technology and I love science. I would love to know what type of technology you will be using. I am a new teacher from another country so everything is new to me. I heard a lot about IPADs lately and I haven't heard about smartboards so definitely I will be checking on your research and follow your blog.

  4. I see how you included the steps in your plan. It's very specific and detailed. I didn't do that so I think I should change mine. Incorporation of technology in all subjects would be great. Some students really enjoy technology. Great job! Look forward to keeping up with your research.

  5. Your plan looks great! I was wondering are you going to investigate how teachers' training in technology affect their ability to implement it?

  6. The big change for my action research was in the area of preliminary research as well. I had always planned to do the data collection, but I had not included colleagues in the planning side. I will now introduce the topic to all staff, with the assistance of my site supervisor. I love your action research plan.

  7. Your plan looks great! I like that you are using students from different Tier levels as part of your research.

  8. I like your topic. Mine is somewhat like yours "How Can Technology Increase Reading Fluency." I will follow your research "Investigate the effect that technology will have on the achievement of eighth grade science students." Your plan looks really good. I love how you plan to form a committee to assist with your project. Good Luck!
