Sunday, March 17, 2013

Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template
Goal:  To investigate the effect that technology will have on the achievement of eighth grade science students at Smith Middle School.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

1.Gather   previous science assessment scores for all 8th grade students. In particularly, the science mock test scores.

Mrs. Davis will get 8th grade science data from Eduphoria, our data evalkuation system. 
March 18, 2013


March  22, 2013
Internet access, and Eduphoria Data System
I will print out data information from eduphoria.
2.  Survey 8th grade students about how they learn best and what interests them in science class, and how often do they use technology currently each day. 

Mrs. Davis  and Ms. Miranda will implement a survey during science class.
March  25,2013


March 28, 22013
Create a survey through survey monkey or a paper-based survey if computer access is not available.
Collect and analyze information gathered from surveys. 
3.  Research ways technology is being used to engage and increase performance in middle school students in science class.

Mrs. Davis will research information about improving engagement and achievement in science by using technology.
April 1, 2013


April 5, 2013
Gather information, read and reflect on how it can be applied to students at my campus.
4.  Implement activities that include student participation through smartboards and ipads.

Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Miranda, and students.
March 18,  2013


April  25, 2013
CSCOPE, Stemscopes,
Smartboard program, other interactive science sites
Give short assessments at the end of each technology infused lesson to collect data about content learned.
5.   Interview students of  various tier groups to get feedback on how they feel about the implementation of smartboards and ipads in the classroom.

Mrs. Davis will interview eighth grade students of various tier groups.
May 5,2013


May 9, 2013
Create a questionnaire for students to complete about how they feel about the implementation of the new technology.  Is it helping them to improve? 
Collect quantitative data from students to gain insight into how they feel about their achievement.

6.  Have all 8th grade students complete a new assessment to analyze improvement and achievement.
Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Miranda will test students.
April 18th

STAAR Test Maker and Students
Collect and analyze data from test results.
7.  Prepare all data and findings for final presentation
Mrs. Davis
May 25th
Gather all quantitative and qualitative data to make a report.
Collect all data for report and presentation.


  1. Your plan looks great. The use of technology will help engage students in science. What kind of activities are you planning on using with smart boards and I-pads?

  2. Aisha your plan looks good to me. My plan is terrible and the one comment I kept getting is to use the format with the 8 steps on it. I think you have all the information, but if you go to htttp:// and look to see how she has hers set up, I think it will help in the future. By no means am I saying yours is wrong, but I am making drastic changes to mine to be inline with the 8 steps and it should be easier for me to keep track that way. I hope this helps. I know that the whole technology thing is very important and we are trying it at our school this year. We are calling it BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) and letting the kids use whatever resources they have available. For those that don't have any technology we are providing what we have

  3. I think you did a great job revising to your second plan. I like your evaluation tools. You have been very specific on what you are going to use to evaluate. Your timeline looks good too. I agree with Jamie, what activities are you going to design and implement to address your data collection? But overall, you did a great job lining out your plan. Good luck to you.
