Sunday, March 3, 2013

Action Research: "Inqiring minds want to know"


       Although this week has certainly proven to be rigorous, I have gained insight into how great principals, teachers, and students are developed.  As I began to reflect on what I have learned about action research, I can not help but think about the famous quote by James Kiso (1980)  "Enquiring minds want to know."  Action research is an inquiry-based process that affords principals a chance to reflect on their own practices and make changes based on data-driven results.  This critical, global thinking process ultimately leads to self-development and school improvement by allowing principals to take ownership of their learning.  This differs from traditional educational research which defines principals as technicians who are expected to follow a "cookie cutter"  or "textbook" approach to solving problems in a manner that is not centered around individual campus needs. In David Letterman style, Nancy Dana (2010)  offers the five most important reasons why principals should model and improve development through action research ( Table 1).  

             Top 5 Reasons For School Leaders to Engage in  Action Research 

               #1 - Action research enables best practices to flourish at a school.
                #2- Action research focuses and strengthens school improvement efforts.
                    #3- Action research helps principals slow down and take control.
               #4-  Action research enables principals to become role models for the teachers and 
                        students in their buildings.
                #5-  Action research brings principals out of isolation.

                                                            Table 1

I believe that action research  is a great professional development tool for all leaders.  As a result of my university graduate courses, I am using action research to improve my own leadership skills as a teacher.  It causes me to reflect and ask questions in an effort to improve myself, as well as, student achievement in my classroom.  As a science teacher it is second nature to plan and model activities and lessons that focus on inquiry-based learning, but now I am beginning to apply this same method of problem solving to school improvement through developing as a lifelong learner.



Dana, N. (2010, April).  Top 5 reasons for school leaders to engage in action research. (2010, April).          AASA.  Retrieved from 


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