Saturday, September 28, 2013

Unexpected Path on the Action Research Journey      This action research project has definitely taking me on a journey.  I have done background research on how technology increases engagement and student achievement, completed surveys from stakeholders including student perceptions about learning with and without technology, as well as collaborated with teachers and administration about low engagement and achievement.  While doing my background research,  I knew I first had to find information on what student engagement looks like.  According to VanDeWeghe,  student engagement is multidimensional and includes behavioral, cognitive, and emotional aspects. (p.89). He goes on to describe the three levels of engagements in detail.  Students are physically engaged in a lesson when ther are sitting in theiur seat, looking at the teacher, and working on the assigned activity.  A student is actively engaged at the cognitive level when they are making an effort to successfully complete an assigned activity.  Emotional engagement seems to be the hardest level.  Finding ways to get students to complete activities because they are interested about what they are learning is a challenge and an expectation that I will promote as a future educational leader.Unfortunately, their have been some minor set-backs including the grade levels I’m teaching. Also,  the iPADs and Smartboards were delayed and I was unable to implement my plan last year.  Although we have the Smartboards in place, the iPADS will be released to students next month.  This would be an excellent opportunity to have my new students complete the surveys and compare this 6 weeks data without technology, to future data for my project.  All suggestions or experience with a similar project are welcomed.


VanDeWeghe, Rick.  What is engaged learning? English Journal. 95(3), 88-91


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