Sunday, March 10, 2013


    This week, I've gained insight into how educational leaders go through the action research implementation processDana(2009) shares nine areas that are essential for leaders to reflect and make changes on including developing staff and curriculum, reflecting on the individual abilities of teachers and students, nurturing a positive school culture, implementing and reviewing surveys of one's own leadership and managerial skills, assessing school performance, and giving attention to social justice.  I believe that all nine of these topics are essential to improving student achievement, and building positive attitudes about campuses.  When educational leaders take action by reflecting on  all aspects of their school, as well as, the stakeholders perceptions of  the campus, this should lead to a positive reaction in the form of change.  This reminds me of Newton's third law of motion which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


  1. I agree that when educators start taking action in regards to their school and get involved, as well as reflect and propose questions, that is when you see change start to happen.

  2. I love your reference to Newton's third law. It is such a perfect fit! You are correct in your statement about taking action and its effect on change. Student achievement does not just happen; leaders make it happen.

  3. I like your use of Newton's law to summarize what you've learned this week.

  4. I agree. Educators have to take action to cause change. We have to research and reflect and delve into our wonderings, so that our campuses can prosper. As leaders, we have to model this and make it happen with positive motivation. So true on Newton's Law...we will be the action that will cause the reaction.

  5. I totally agree that the 9 areas are essential to school improvement as well. I am looking for ways to increase the positive climate on our campus. I definitely think that Newtons law applies and I hope to increase the positive actions on our campus so that postive reactions will follow. I am finding that action research is a great way to increase the positive actions are our campus.
