Tuesday, March 5, 2013

From Leisure Toys to Learning Tools

                                  Proposed Action Research Plan

With the new addition of SMART boards for every classroom and iPads for every student to checkout daily, I am interested to know how the implementation of technology will increase student engagement and achievement at my school.   This topic is critical and needs much research because I currently teach at a title I school that is predominantly African American, and our scores on the last TAKS test were low.  Although data shows that we have made some progress with the implementation of  STAAR last year , we haven't reached our goal yet in terms of student achievement.  I believe this action research study will be beneficial to all stakeholders in addressing low student achievement. As a teacher, it will allow me to reflect  and change my own practices  based on quantitative and qualitative data.  It will also allow me to collaborate with administrators and other teachers who teach the same students and lead them to professional development.   I am always enlightened when I discuss the problems I face in my classroom with other teachers who have been successful in solving those problems.  Most importantly, this action research study will benefit the students by providing them with opportunities to use digital tools for learning instead of leisure. It is my hope that this project will lead to overall school improvement.  If you want information about the pros of using technology in the classroom go to www.securedgenetworks.com .


Wilson, A.(2012).  "iPad photo".[Photograph].  Retrieved from http://www.securedgenetworks.com/secure-edge-networks-blog/bid/78890


  1. Technology can be a valuable tool in the classroom. How are your teachers utilizing them in the academic areas?

  2. Thank you for posting on my site. We are using as tools to increase engagement and participation. With the SMART boards, we have students model testing strategies. With the Ipads, the students are able to do interactive STEMscopes tutorials that I assign and monitor.

  3. I am very interested in your research. I am doing something similar. We all have boards in our rooms but I see them being used as a glorified overhead projector. I think if teachers would step back and let the kids up there they would have more engaged students. Thanks for that website. It is good. Good luck!
