Sunday, March 3, 2013

How can educators use blogs?

Today, technology provides us with information with the click of a button.  Our schools are full of students who have access to gadgets that we may not even know how to use.  In our district we will be essentially "going paperless" as text books are replaced with  digital learning tools.  I think educational leaders can benefit from using blogs in a number of ways.  If teachers have their own electronic tablets, instead of wasting paper on  faculty meeting agendas and handouts, administrators can use blogs to share documents and power point presentations.  Also, blogs can be used to facilitate on book or school improvement discussions.  If you are like me, then a two minute phone call with a parent might turn into 20 minutes.  Blogs can be used to communicate  with parents quickly and effectively. If you are looking for more information on how educators use blogs, go to

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