Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Burning the Midnight Oil. week 3 web conference

  Burning the midnight oil this week.   In this weeks’ web conference, we were reminded of the items that should be submitted in tk20, as well as, the consequences for not turning things in correctly.  Dr. Borel assured us that we could get the action research project report completed, and emphasized the importance of following the APA guidelines and template.  She also directed us to other resources that she created to help us be successful on the action research report.  My favoritebpartofnthe evening was when she helped us with the APA activities.  I spent hours on this assignment last night and still had a few mistakes according to Dr. Borel.  I hope that I cite in-tetx references and the reference page in the correct format.  I want to receive all credit for the work and hours that I put in.  I have collected many articles, but mostbofnthem are through ERIC.  Dr. Borel has placed several links to other sites where peer reviewed journals can be found.  I’m looking forward to looking for more articles so that I can get started on my paper tomorrow night.  She shared past grades that were earned for the report and they were low.  I will make sure to check the rubric to make sure that I meet the requirements.

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